| WAAGERECHT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. |
SENKRECHT 1. 2.Next to Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Austria and Montenegro. 3.Is surrounded vy the sea and in the very North West of Europe. 4.The inhabitans of Netherlands. 5.The capital city of Bulgaria. 6.It has the same name as a continent. 7.The capital city of Malta. 8.Is between Spain and France. 9.Is between France and the Netherlands. 10.Scandinavian countries. 11.A very big country located to Spain. 12.Is bordered on the sea and a neighbouring country of Great Britain. 13.The capital city of the country with the boat. 14.Is bordered on the Baltic Sea and the Noth Sea. 15.Between Ukraine and Romania. 16.Sourrounded by the sea and Ireland , is in the west of it. 17.A neighbouring country of Russia. 18.Surrounded by France and the Mediterranean Sea. 19.Between Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro. 20.Is bordered on the Mediterranean Sea and is the southest country of Europe. 21.Is bordered on Spain an the sea. 22.Is a state in Italy. 23.Was a country together with Serbia. 24.Is a little country between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. 25.A very small country in the Alps. 26.Have a akin name like Slovenia. 27.The west coast is bordered on the North Sea and it´s near to Germany and Belgium. 28.Is bordered on the Baltic Sea and the capital city starts with "R". 29.Is bordered on the Baltic Sea and in the North of Latuia. 30.Is a state in Italy with 900 inhabitans. 31.Was a country together with Montenegro. 32.Is bordered on the Black Sea and on Ukraine. 33.The south west coast is bordered onthe Adriatic Sea. 34.Is surrounded by Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austra. 35.Is bordered on Germany and the rest of it is bordered on the sea. 36.Is the northerst country in Europe. 37.Is betwen Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and Serbia and Montenegro. 38.IThe largest contry of Europe. 39.Is bordered on the Baltic Sea and in the South of Latuia. 40.Is bordered on the Baltic Sea an to Germany. 41.Is bordered on the sea and in the West on Portugal 42.Is a very smal country between France and Germany. 43.Is between Norway and Finnland. 44.A part of it belongs to Greece and the other part to Turkey. 45.Is the capital city of Cyprus. 46.Is in the North of Romania and bordered on the Black Sea. 47.Is formed like a boat. 48.Is bordered on the Mediterranean Sea and is in the very South of Europe. 49.Is a very big country and belongs geographicaly to Asia. 50.Is the capital city of Bosnia Herzegovina. 51.Is the capital city of Montenegro. 52.The inhabitans of San Marino. |
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Deutsche Übersetzung Gerold Bigorajski